Arsenal in the Community

Player Pack: Ian Wright

Welcome to the Arsenal Home Learning resource pack, featuring club legend Ian Wright.

These literacy, numeracy and PE activities are directly based on the National Curriculum. The activities are suitable for children in Key Stage 2 (aged 7-11), although younger children may require some additional support. Share photos of your children’s work on Twitter using #AFCHomeLearning. 

Please note that for a number of these activities, you'll need to download the writing template located at the bottom of this page.

In the video above, Wrighty answers the questions you submitted as part of the #AFCHomeLearning reading task. He also speaks about his most influential teacher, north London derbies and his favourite superheroes!


Reading: Complete the reading comprehension on Ian Wright. Find out all about his football career and what he has achieved since. Then see how much you remembered by answering the questions. Available as an online quiz here or worksheet below:

Writing: Write a diary entry of a sporting magical moment. Think back to a sporting moment you are proud of. Write a recount of what happened and how you felt. Download the instructions below and the writing template at the bottom of the page.


Tackle Ian Wright’s numeracy quiz. Based directly on the National Curriculum, children can keep their maths skills sharp by completing this quiz on a wide range of topics. The activity is aimed at years 5 and 6, although younger children may need support. Access the online quiz here


These PE activities are focused on finishing, first touch and composure. The Ian Wright-inspired pack will help you to develop these skills. Designed for the home, they require no specialist equipment. Download the resources below:


Design: Try to design some dream boots for 2120. Imagine what football boots will be like in 100 years’ time. Don’t forget to share your designs with us. Download the instructions below:

Fun: Try this code cracker puzzle. Answer the questions to reveal the secret answer! Download it below:


If you have access to a printer, feel free to use our writing and plain templates. Otherwise, activities can be completed online, on a tablet or computer, or on plain paper.