Arsenal in the Community

Rocky 7 youngsters enjoy half-term trips

Arsenal in the Community Rocky 7

The Rocky 7 programme was set up in 2021 to mark the 20th anniversary of the passing of Arsenal legend David Rocastle, and our latest intake recently enjoyed a packed half term of exciting visits at Arsenal – including a trip to the Sobha Realty Training Centre – and beyond.

The project sits within our PL Kicks programme, which aims to engage young people through sport and support them off the pitch. Rocky 7 aims to provide young people with opportunities to gain qualifications, share their views and opinions and make a positive impact in their community. 

Every activity, trip and session is planned by Arsenal in the Community staff and aims to provide young people with a variety of experiences that will inspire and challenge them.

Earlier this month, a panel of emerging young leaders came together to influence the direction of Rocky 7, to help Arsenal in the Community provide the best opportunities for the groups involved. This helped organise a variety of exciting events throughout the recent February half term. One of our participants said, “I have learned to communicate better through doing different tasks and us working together as a team.”

Four young people visited the Sobha Realty Training Centre (above) for an amazing tour and came away inspired by the legacy of Arsenal as well as its future. They saw Rocky’s impact here, as a number of the decorations and murals are dedicated to his time at the club. 

Members of the group also went to the LondonEnergy EcoPark to see how waste is processed and turned into energy to power our homes. They then played the Tottenham Foundation’s Girls team in a friendly. One of the participants said, “These activities inspire me to keep coming to training and working on myself to stay with Arsenal.”

On top of all that, more than 40 young people came to The Arsenal Hub throughout the week to achieve two qualifications: First Aid with St John’s Ambulance and Skills in Football. The young people also got creative, making models of themselves and others who inspire them, and discussing what makes a leader. 

The Rocky 7 participants will continue to work with us until August.

For more information email Lizzie O’Connor, Senior Coordinator for Targeted Programmes