Arsenal in the Community

Education & Employment

We engage primary and secondary school pupils across Islington, Camden and Hackney, inspiring them to learn, be active and develop new skills.

Primary Stars and Double Club
We support curriculum delivery of PE as well as targeted interventions in literacy and PSHE (personal, social health and economic) education, help to improve teachers’ knowledge and confidence in PE delivery and offer extra-curricular breakfast, lunchtime and after-school clubs focused on wellbeing and physical activity.

To find more about Premier League Primary Stars please click here

We engage with local secondary school pupils, encouraging them to develop the personal skills and positive attitudes to succeed in life including exposure to career opportunities.

Children Looked After and Care Leavers
This programme focuses on facilitating education, training and employment opportunities alongside the wider personal development of Children Looked After and Care Leavers.

Level 3 Sport Study
Our BTEC Level 3 Qualification allows students to develop coaching skills and offers real-life work-experience opportunities within the sports industry.

We also work with young people and adults to equip them with skills, self-belief and opportunities to secure sustainable employment.

Employability Programme
We work in partnership with local and club partners such as Lavazza to provide young adults furthest away from the labour market with the relevant skills, the right attitude and career exposure.

Probation Service Partnership
This targeted work developed in partnership with the Probation Service and the Premier League is designed to get young adults serving community service orders back into employment.

Advantage Mentoring Programme
This mental health and wellbeing mentoring programme focuses on supporting young people to help them re-establish aspirations and a sense of connection.

For more information email Jack Ferguson at