In the Official Arsenal Magazine, Arsenal's first-team stars tell us about their daily routine. Read on to find out more about a day in the life of Olivier Giroud.
What’s your first drink of the day?
A glass of water.
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
I have a cup of coffee, an orange juice, some toast with butter and strawberry or raspberry jam – and two kiwi fruits.
Do you read the newspaper?
Not really, no.
Before heading to training, is there anything else that you generally do?
I let my dog out into the garden so that he can do his business!
How long does it take you to drive to the training ground?
Around 25 minutes.
And what car do you drive there?
A Mercedes C63 MG.
Do you listen to music or the radio on the way in?
I like listening to music - electro, pop, rock, all sorts. I can play it via my computer.
Do you always travel on your own?
I do, yes.
Are you usually one of the first in training – or one of the last?
I’d put myself in the middle.
What do you keep in your locker?
My washbag, my shower gel, my hair cream, my boots, some magazines and some photos.
On the training pitches do you have any special warm-up routines?
No, just the normal ones. But if I need to stretch more – my hamstring or my groin for example – then I do a few more things. It depends on how I feel.
What aspect of training do you enjoy the most?
Playing games with goals! I need to score goals!
Who do you tend to sit with at lunch?
Generally the French-speaking players, but sometimes with my English friends too.
Do you always go straight home after training – if not where might you go?
I do some stretches if I need to, and sometimes have a massage or go in the steam room. Otherwise, I’ll go home as quickly as possible after lunch.
What do you tend to do when you get home?
First I have a nap, then I spend time with my wife – we like going for a walk in the park and visiting sights in London when there’s time.
What’s the last thing you do before going to bed?
I take out my contact lenses.
What time do you go to bed?
Between 11pm and midnight.
And in bed do you tend to read, watch TV, listen to music or go straight to sleep?
Straight to sleep!
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