
Arsenal to march at Pride in London 2024

The Gay Gooners supporters group marching at Pride in London 2023 in front of the Arsenal float

As we have done since 2013, our club will march in solidarity with Gay Gooners at Pride in London.

Our double-decker float, adorned with the LGBTQ+ pride colours and the club crest, will follow the parade route this Saturday afternoon alongside an expected total of 32,000 participants.

The capital’s parade is free to attend and begins at Hyde Park Corner, culminating at Whitehall Place. Over 1.5 million spectators attended the festivities last year and a similar crowd is expected this time around.

Gay Gooners, our LGBTQ+ supporters group, was the first of its kind to march at Pride in London back in 2013. 

Now a 1,600-strong community, Gay Gooners celebrated their tenth anniversary last year and continue to do vital work in creating a safe and joyful home for all Arsenal supporters.

To find out more about the Gay Gooners supporters’ group, visit their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages.

Highlights will be shared on club channels throughout the day and a gallery of images will drop on our website in the coming days.