
Quiz: Name the line-up that faced Bayern in 2000

Thierry Henry scores against Bayern Munich in 2000

Tonight's Champions League quarter-final clash with Bayern Munich will rekindle memories of some famous encounters between the teams down the years.

Our first meeting with them came in December 2000 when we faced off at Highbury in the second group stage of the Champions League, as we drew 2-2 in north London.

But can you remember the 11 Gunners that Arsene Wenger selected that night? You've got just five minutes to name them all!

Once you've finished, send your score to your friends to see if you have the best Gunners knowledge, or tackle some of our Arsenal quizzes.

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Can you guess the players in this starting 11?
Can you name our starting-line from our first-ever meeting with Bayern Munich?
UEFA Champions League
5 December 2000
Match Info
Team & Result:
Arsenal's 2-2 draw with Bayern Munich
Bayern Munich
UEFA Champions League
Match Date:
05 December 2000
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How to Play

Study the lineup. The number below each shirt indicates how many letters there are in that player's name. You're against the clock so get going!

Think you know one of the mystery players? Enter your guess in the box provided below each shirt. See a tick? Boom, you've got it! See a cross? Guess again!

Struggling to get a player? Click the player you're having trouble with and hit the 'hint' button to get a letter to help you along.

Really can't think of any more? Hit 'give up' and we'll show you the players you missed. Don't beat yourself up, we can't all remember that South American they had on loan for three games...

Think your score is unbeatable? Hit the 'Share' button to see if any of your friends or followers can better it!

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Are you sure you'd like to use a hint? Using a hint will reveal a letter to help you on your way.
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